The new site is up! I hope you like it, and I'd love your feedback. While opinions don't matter (numbers do), I wanted to have a site that better explained our service offering and the types of companies we serve, a site that looks great on both widescreen monitors and mobile phones, AND a site that I felt better about driving some paid advertising to while we grow.
Hopefully the new site can answer these questions better!
In addition to putting our best face forward, we also want to remain top of mind. The blog will be updated more regularly, and we'll be sharing educational content (like this), how-to guides (like this one), templates, thought leadership, industry news, and other original content a lot more frequently on social media and other publications. Please be sure to follow the page on all networks (LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram), and I'd really appreciate your likes, comments, shares, retweets, reposts, etc.
Thank you for your support thus far, and be on the lookout for more content! And always, if you or someone you know needs help with data, marketing technology, web analytics, etc. please send them this way!